I do miss the theatre performances. I’m happy that I managed to catch this in La Clique earlier this month. It is a family-friendly cabaret/variety show that includes singing, dancing, aerial performances, and breath-taking stunts. Scroll to the bottom of the post to watch the key highlight.
This show started with a male performer from the bathtub and doing aerial performances. It’s remarkably close to heart as aerial stunts are something I am learning to achieve.
The vocals of the singers were great. Furthermore, Bernie Dieter incorporated Singlish into her conversation with the audience. This is a family-friendly cabaret.

Watching Heather Holliday perform her sword-swallowing and fire-eating stunts was breathtaking. This is clearly one of my favorite segments and it’s really an eye-opener for me.

The performance of The Skating Willers is dangerously cool.
This is an interesting segment where Lisa Lottie dances and juggles with tons of hula hoops.
So here’s just a summary of the key highlights of the performance.